Repacklab Honey Select 2 Free Download Broken and Dependent states Broken All animations are this weird, bizarre rocking animation that looks fucking stupid. You have a stupid rocking animation with barely any impact. Now, imagine she moves her hips forward six inches, while you move your hips forward six inches.
This state is symbolised by a smiley face shown on the girl’s status screen, with its colour matching the corresponding feeling. Each state unlocks different dialogs and positions. This dominant feeling will condition the state of the girl. It is important to note that only the strongest feeling will have an actual impact in the game: a girl can have a lot of hate toward the protagonist (high aversion), as long as she loves him slightly more (higher favour), she will act like she’s madly in love with him. Those levels are independent from each other: a girl can simultaneously have a high level of Aversion and a high level of Favour toward the protagonist. Each feeling is represented by a specific colour and is defined by a numerical value ranging from 0 to 100, that we will refer as its level.